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How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill


Every year, Americans use more electricity than the year before. While this isn’t surprising, you might be shocked to learn that we double our electricity usage every 20 years. Only Canada uses more electricity per household. After the U.S. comes Australia, and we use twice as much electricity per household as they do. Is this added usage reflecting on your electricity bill? More importantly, are you interested in reducing electricity consumption as well as costs? Here are some helpful tips to reduce electricity bill.


Your fridge’s energy consumption is affected by its age, size, temperature setting, and location. Avoid over-stuffing your fridge and close the door promptly after getting what you need to prevent temperature drops. Consider replacing your old fridge with a new, more energy-efficient model.

Energy-efficient home with solar panels and modern appliances. reduce electricity bill


Washer and Dryer

The average household spends over $100 per year just to run the washer and dryer. To reduce that number, wash full loads only in cold water. Air dry or line dry clothes when possible.

Water Heater

According to the National Grid, the average 52-gallon water heater costs around $55 per month to run. If you’re in the market for a new one, check the Department of Energy’s guide. Consider its energy factor, size, first-hour rating, and fuel type to get one that meets your hot water and energy-saving needs.


Lighting usage varies from home to home. You can keep your costs down by turning off lights in unoccupied rooms and switching to more efficient light bulbs.

Televisions and Game Consoles

Do you ever fall asleep to the TV? Have your kids ever left their gaming console on while moving on to another activity? These bad habits could be costing you up to $50 a year in electricity.

Hot Tub

A nice relaxing soak in the hot tub can melt away the day’s stress, but it can also make your electric bill soar, upwards of $500 a year.

Heating & Cooling Systems

These are your home’s biggest energy consumers. To help cut your electricity and gas bills, have your systems cleaned and inspected each year. Get programmable thermostats and try living at a lower or higher thermostat setting, depending on the time of year.

Please Stand By

No matter how efficient your household appliances and electronics are, they draw electricity just by being plugged in. Save energy and money by using a power strip to cut power to multiple electronics when not in use. Keep toasters, coffee makers, and other small appliances unplugged until it’s time to use them.

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